Welcome to R8PA
Planning Updates
Planning is underway for the next Annual Conference. If you would like to participate (topics, presentations, sponsorship, or networking activities) or if you have questions about this upcoming Conference, please contact the following:
Region VIII Pretreatment Chair for Agenda/Presentation/Topics/Speakers/ Coordination:
Leah Hall, Chair
region8pa@gmail.com 605.394.4174 Ext 6263
R8PA Treasurer for Registration/Hotel/Meeting Logistics/Vendors/ General Conference Questions
Shawn Parker,
shawn.parker@timpssd.org 801.756.5231
Supporting Businesses
Visit our supporting businesses page to see the list of businesses who support the Region VIII Pretreatment Association. We greatly appreciate all of our sponsors, vendors and exhibitors. Without them, our annual Conference would not be possible. If your business is interested in sponsoring the Region VIII Pretreatment Association please visit the registration page for more information.
Giving You More
EPA Region VIII and the Region VIII Pretreatment Association work hard to provide quality pretreatment education to all pretreatment professionals located in Region VIII. If you have questions or comments please contact us.